These have and are contributing to a lovely autumn season...
Ann Voskamp's, One-Thousand Gifts A Dare to LIVE FULLY Right Where You Are This is a book to be savored... her poetic writing packs a punch that leaves you gazing starry eyed at the goodness and grace of the Lord. Perfect pre-Thanksgiving book... or pre-anything book. It's just good any time or any season. My own count to 1,000 has begun... talk about redeeming the time! Talk about savoring the moments! Giving thanks- writing and listing them-- for the little things. It's good, friends. Very good. |
Bengal Spice Tea We have been going through boxes and boxes over here. It's like autumn in a mug. And you really just want to sit with the box to your nose for a while... it smells that good. It's especially good with creamer; and it has a naturally sweet taste so that, to me, it tastes perfect without sweetener. |
The magnificent Art Tatum- blind jazz pianist with amazing talent. His music sounds like a jazzy fall day... the leaves like to dance to it too, I think. |
Marty Goetz- Jew who found Jesus as his Messiah. His music is lovely and melodic... but the best part is most of the lyrics are psalms so you get fed with both beauty and scripture. I have his "I Call You Friend" album only so far... but plan to get more. He's very gracious and kind in person too! |
Nat. King. Cole. Need I say more? I never get tired of his music... it's perfect for every season. |